Atom Network

AI tool for the future precision medicine and precision health.

Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at its most fundamental level. It has become an important theoretical basis in the study of atoms and molecules in complex biological systems. Graphen has been using Quantum Physics, such as Van der Waals forces, hydrogen bond and electrostatic forces, to explore the structure and function of proteins. Focusing on the detailed atom dynamic interactions, Graphen Atom Network Tool provides the clues to systematically understand the associations among molecular interactions, pathways, and diseases in a cell, as well as disease progress mechanisms.

In: Molecular structure / Out: Quantum physics energies of atoms


Graph Neural Networks

Based on two PDB structures to simulate any possible contacting sites by torsion angle and coordinate distance, Graph-equivalent models use equivalent attention to learn atom features, position encoding, distance correlations and central tourism angles. Randomly collision energy prediction simulates more possible complexes by estimating contact energy. Models are trained on Protein-Protein and Antibody-Antigen complex data.

In: PDB structure file / Out: Complex PDB file


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