Green Energy Monitoring

AI to support a sustainable future with green energy.

Secure and Smart Grid

As power grids become more and more complex, especially as renewable energy sources becoming more and more common, it brings great challenges to traditional grid management methods. For example, the instability of renewable energy, changes in load patterns are quite unpredictable given nuances within the energy industry. In additional, more sophisticated security attacks have also brought more uncertainty to the industry.

Graphen uses its AI to empower energy providers and help create a secure, efficient and clean energy eco-system.


24-Hour Solar Power Generation Prediction

Graphen has been working with one of the largest energy providers in Asia to make 24-hour predictions of solar power generation per hour in every station in Taiwan.

The system takes into account the location, time, weather and other factors to predict the power generation and detects anormalis.

When an abnormality is found, the system automatically dispatch workers directly to the most suitable repair manufacturer, and automatically track dispatch and repair status. This system provides a desktop version and a mobile version, so that managers and maintenance personnel can see real-time messages to optimize efficiency!


The Future of Sustainable Energy

It's becoming essential for energy providers to modernize, secure their operations with sustainable management.

Built upon advance AI, Graphen's technology helps to create smart grid pricing using Game Theory Tools, enhancem power equipment management with Knowledge Graph, detects and predicts APT (Advanced Persistent Threats) using Graphen's AI Cybersecurity technology, and etc.



  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Bayesian Learning
  • Game Theory
  • Graph Database and Analytics
  • Self Defense Cybersecurity
  • Image

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