Graphen Aiia

Next-gen AI with unlimited potential to elevate your business with intelligence, efficiency and empathy.

AI in the Store

Less Effort, Less Waiting Time, and Less Manual Operation.

More Flexible, More Intelligence, and More Convenience.


Self-Service Kiosk


Our Self-Service Kiosk, equipped with both touchscreen and voice activation, guarantees a personalized experience through digital menu and customizable roadmap. The kiosk eliminates long waiting time and brings stores more accurate and efficient services while impressing your customers.

Be ready to embrace our innovative kiosks that not only save space and resources but also bring exciting customer journey. Welcome to the future of the store—easy, elegant, and more enjoyable than ever before.


Manager Portal

All Essentials in One Screen

Empower your store business with our Manager Portal, featuring real-time stock update, automated order management, remote control of in-store kiosks, and hardware management and troubleshooting in a click. The Manager Portal seamlessly integrates with various Point-of-Sale systems and Kitchen Display System for efficient operations. With our centralized managerial hub, you are able to take control, make informed decisions, and elevate your business to new heights.


Back of House / Kitchen Distribution System

Focus on the Next Step

Streamline your production with our Back of House / Kitchen Distribution System. Our system features interactive displays, switchable views, and department-specificied menus that helps your staffs fully focus on service production and get track of opening and future orders. The Back of House / Kitchen Distribution System serves as a flawless communicator between the front of house and the back of house, and that accelerate workflows and maximize store efficiency.


Promotions and Order Calling System

Catch your customers' eyes

Waiting time could be boring; however, it can be the quality time between your store and your customers! We combine both Promotions and Order Calling System on in-store displays, to make sure your customers receive the latest promotions while stay informed of their orders status. Our simple notification service includes but not limit to SMS, email, and in-store audio devices.

Go green by adopting a flexible, paperless, modern, and eco-friendly marketing strategy. A successful advertising not only boosts product exposure, but also ensures customer awareness.


Online Ordering and Mobile App

Order From Anywhere, Anytime

A serving of great product and service should not be limited by time nor geographical distances. We create online ordering web-service and mobile App to ensure your store and your customers benefits the convenience of online payments and schedulable orders across multiple devices.

Our customizable mobile App can elevate your online customers' experience! You can provide additional benefits and personalized experience through exclusive membership program, and enhance your customer loyalty at ease.


Store Auto-Recovery

Hands-Free From All Errors

To guarantee a smooth, zero-interruption store operation and customer experience, the Store Auto-Recovery system is essential. We incorporate automatic system updates, periodic hardware reboot and program restart, servers auto-recovery, and network checker to keep you worry-free on IT systems.

Moreover, we offer customizable recovery features for both software and hardware, such as device troubleshooting and multiple devices switcher. Our goal is to bring you a reliable, customer-centric solution that caters to all your store operating requirements.


Headquarters Monitoring Central

Let Your Data and System Do the Work

Our Headquarters Monitoring Central System is your command center for comprehensive supervising and strategic management in serving menus, inventories, employees, and store devices. Say goodbye to complexity and frustration of store records as you effortlessly see performances and analyses from the comfort of your fingertips.

We help generating customized periodic reports by delving into huge amount of system data collected from your store, including but not limit to sales and revenue, inventory and cost, table turnover rate, foot traffic in store, and comparative and trend analyses; and visualize them into powerful business insights that are tailored to your needs and drives your business to succeed.
